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Short history of Kuzmice

Kuzmice lies in the central part of the Roňava valley, at an altitude of around 156m above sea level. The first written mention of the village dates back to 1270 when it was called Kosma. During the following historical development, it changed ist name as follows : a written mention from 1327 stating the name as Kozmay, Kozmafalwa in 1427, Kuzmice in 1773, Kuznice in 1920 and Kuzmice in 1927. In Hungarian, the official name of the village Kozma.

After 1881, the village came under the administration of the Zemplínska Municipality, before 1960 it was under the district of Trebišov, Košice County, after 1960 under the district of Trebišov, Košice County and after 1960 under the district of Trebišov, Eastern Slovakia Region. The village has been mentioned since 1270. It belonged to the families of Kozma and Tolvay, and later to various landlords. In 1715 the village had 23 abandoned and 9 inhabited households, in 1787 it had 60 houses and 583 inhabitants and in 1828 it had 84 houses and 624 inhabitants. Many of them left the village between the years 1890 – 1900.

The main activities in the village were agriculture and weaving. The occupation of inhabitants did not change during the times of the First Czechoslovak Republic. There were pressing mills and two mills. In 1926, farm workers violently parceled the landlordʹs estate. In 1944, the village was in the front line for four weeks and was severely damaged.

Gallery of Kuzmice

Technical administrator

Alphabet partner s.r.o.
Strojárenská 3426/11C
040 01 Košice - Staré Mesto
Slovenská Republika

Phone: +421 908 327 404

Technical administrator of CMS which runs this website is Alphabet partner s.r.o. company.

Content manager

Obec Kuzmice
Hlavná 286/126 076 12 Kuzmice

Phone: 056/66 85 491

Obec Kuzmice is responsible for of all content of this website.

Opening hours

Opening hours of Obec Kuzmice:

Mon8.00 -12.00 13.00-16.00
Tue8.00 -12.00 13.00-16.00
Wed8.00 -12.00 13.00-16.30
Thu8.00 -12.00 13.00-16.00
Fri8.00 -12.30